Sunday, April 24, 2011

numerous kid cross the country

Congratulations apt the successful conclusion of two
congratulations two steps to fulfill the objective, one, we organized the 22 million signatures. Second, we accepted the idea of ​​deputies sent to 21 million people in the two conferences, the formal filing of the NPC. After two sessions, I would like the State Environmental Protection Administration and the Central Committee will study our film, among 3 months, gives the reply comments. we must report within three months of 1000 in the paper to the success for children's environmental section. thesis heading is children's environmental section to a l r? environmental awareness activities to teach ourselves, to promote the success of children's environmental section. while also proceed to systematize the signature, the signature movement and write a paper together to do so. but also to promote our country, , Japanese team comprised, three athletes, was to be named. ample to the establishment of three self-reporting is necessitated. We also give a label. the reports here, I shall preponderate. You can also bring me the letter, (100009, Beijing, Dongcheng District, eastern to the beach house lane 13 Yuan at East High School contained in the Housing revenue)
environmental team
Yuebi Xiao Guo Yujie
tree and not distinctive, but now, our country is more disposable chopsticks are countless. These chopsticks are made with wood, consuming heavy amounts of wood. but their practical. So it is disposable chopsticks a consume of resources! but there are many people compliant to use disposable chopsticks. in the canteen, snack bar hh, disposable chopsticks in the figure have been witnessed. If people refused to disposable chopsticks, disposable chopsticks will then empty of, and accordingly will generate less and less, until it perished.
many children across the country, if each child had refused the use of disposable chopsticks, how many wood you can retention ah! However, due to the inadequacy of today's environmental education Many children do not know environmental protection, do not know the risks of disposable chopsticks, but the peace of idea to use it.
environmental section if we have children, then the environmental wisdom to be competent to spread to more children. will have a pile up children combine the ranks of environmental protection, nay the use of disposable chopsticks, nay to do asset that damage the environment. This will give us the environment more beauteous!
Thank Yuebi Xiao students, you jot the first a children's environmental section of the link and disposable chopsticks periodical. In truth, environmental protection is such a easy, no long-winded, as long as you own denial of disposable chopsticks, is environmentally annuals, and not can stop you can not concern as long as the first is to manage their first The success of step step success is success.

Ditian Yue Guo Yujie stars
environmental crew to establish the lawful section of children's environmental absences
adhere to the conservation of the environment is a basic citizen policy an. to adhere to this policy, the need to reinforce education and enhance the people's awareness. In view of our more serious environmental pollution, the Government promulgated the elementary principles, one is wish. We too have the right and responsibility to defend the environment. we apply as children's environmental section, in mandate to better encounter their liabilities, the environmental contribution to our own strength.
your premier introduction to the decree Children's environmental section. put current fancies, good, we entire did not think the dialectic, there is contention on the line, something will work after added argument, because our group of papers, but also the premier time at our youth children to demonstrate the children's environmental section. is along no means one alternatively two days, but a child project of the centenary. we are the first arguments of the small inhabitants.
Guo Yujie Sun Green Team

let Huan Guo Yujie tears to be the last drop of water
With industrial evolution, increasing the menace to ecology, peoples produce waste that is the hill, adverse gases can no longer tear her pragmatic. Arctic has appeared over the ozone hole, universal temperatures rise, and land desertification hh a little bit of persistence is limited, ecology has begun to punish us. how many animals are jeopardized because of adverse gases and how many people die of diseases caused by respiratory overflowed hh , water and soil detriment, land desertification. the Earth issued a advising to us afresh and again.
Today, one isle in rotate disappeared from the horizon; morrow, corner there is a biological extinction, day after tomorrow? what is waiting for us? face of synthetic chemicals are presumable to destroy mankind and the globe emergency, only ignorant people really placed. We must know thatonly operation can save us, save the planet. please treasure our beautiful home, otherwise, the last on globe a drop of water will be a tear hh
sounds favor a particularly horrible, in fact, think small, like this, demolishing the environment also much, too hard to alteration also. be it as difficult, it needs contribution
2002, China's successful Olympic bid, the theme is Green Olympics. I suggested to the students, pleasing, but what can we do? penetrate the cleaners kept busy in that, so I surmise if there will be a daytime without cleaning the streets so neat it? forward when there is a person to place a few steps away from the litter also throw a ; breast box. If the false impression that I really accomplished, I really do not want the street is full of flies around the litter convey of the picture.
Arbor Day, the Chinese Land Day, World Water Day, World Meteorological Day World Health Day, World Earth Day, World No Tobacco Day World Environment Day, there are so numerous celebrations on the context, there are only two of them are solitary to China, and, Arbor Day has been celebrated to the present, still a fifth of the nation Four human do no understand how to vegetation trees. environmental issues in China to preoccupy anyone care Why do it? Japan is the high-tech industrial countries, yet it is still the green place has approached 60%, when only ten percent of China a few points . Perhaps the original did not feel we did not absence to, merely immediately the appearance of the Olympic Green so that we actually begin to anxiety approximately the surroundings approximately us. China's environmental problems can not be in accordance with multinational environmental issues on the processing, if a nice use of its advantages , environmental problems will be solved, so we think of a > Environmental problems are agreeable increasingly essential, with the environmental section of children, can promote the environmental awareness of our kid, I start from, start from the side of the tiny entities.

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