Friday, April 22, 2011

namely 2 nitrogen atoms of the character is

The following does not belong to the immune system diseases are: albino
fish ears? Have
first discovered quasars discovered in 1960: 3C48
main component of natural gas? Methane
the moon occasionally looks is a bent crescent, crescent moon is still slightly outside the light, astronomers call this phenomenon the stock, then fell 20% this year, the percentage should be additional in array to maintain the original value? 25%
germ cell formation in the second division of the features are: centromere into two
living with two biological, interdependence, once separated from both an or either to necrosis, the relationship among these two category as: symbiotic
1 light year is approximately: 9.46 trillion km
which the following phenomena non-biological factors: sardines in the water temperature dripped to 8 degrees towards the coast will gather. temperature
Here is the address of a Web home sheet URL format which is invariable with URL: Http: / / www.the9. com
a cube in the center of two pairs of each side to get through a rectangular hole in the center of the upper and lower side opened up a cylindrical hole. known to cube side width of 10 cm hole on the side of a side length 4 cm square, up and down the side of the hole is a surround with a diameter of 4 cm, ascertain the three-dimensional volume: 668.64 cubic centimeters
a major form of wind energy utilization are: wind power
Chinese characters in the micro-computer system, an interior code of Chinese characters, how many bytes? 2
heat in coal is the biggest: anthracite
in the grass - hare - Wolf - Tiger this food shackle, the tiger is: the consumer
the retinue 3 phenomenon with which non-biological factors related: dogs, sheep and other animals in the summer ambition to change a hair. Sunshine
1970, the Huojinboshi conscious of and successfully demonstrated: the black hole boundary theorems
Penicillin was invented in: 1928 < br> solid carbon dioxide, commonly known as dry ice, it do? artificial rainfall
sciatic nerve if the human living, and the body through the spinal rope abuse, the person: to have feelings, but no action (disability)
If you want a document transmitted to others, merely there is no other FTP server, the best reach is to use: E-mail
germ compartment formation in the second division of the features are: centromere into two
undergoing from sensitive inflammation will find an increase in white blood cells, immune from the perspective of this phenomenon are: non-specific immune
to the aestivation of the animal is: What kind of sea cucumber
accustomed energy sources: water
ancient paintings, silk organizations to control the lighting showroom Why? decrease UV rays
whales and baleen whales can be divided into two major categories of toothed whales, which of the following does not belong to the baleen whale? sperm
following is a parasitic plant: Dodder
straight the implementation of computer hardware can only: machine language
following narrative about computer viruses, the correct description is: a potential virus, it may be long hidden, began to encounter decisive conditions, acts of sabotage
lard in the digestive tract complete digestion of the last production are: glycerol
Which of the following insects will harm the growth of vegetables? snail
viable two can live attach biological, interdependence, mutually salutary or advantageous to the celebration, the other sound, this is called living attach relationship: commensalism
embryonic development of all higher creatures are starting from a fertilized eggs, which shows what higher organisms of biological origin? single-cell < br> In theory a black hole can not be less than: negative 31 power of 10 cubic meters of oil by water
what material formed beneath tall pressure? wreckage
microbial ecosystem carbon cycle in the process, can Carbon dioxide loosened into the air in the process is: Why is breath
fireflies flicker? because the body is a light-emitting cells in the mosquito
one of the four martyrs, can scatter various diseases, which of the following is not a disease transmitted by mosquitoes ? rabies
some moth life through four stages, namely egg larvae r r r pupa adult, this is called complete metamorphosis, which of the following is the complete metamorphosis of an moth? silkworm
the following narrative, is NOT true of? sustained temperature can increase the hatching rate
birds were rusty hook lanced foot, the injection of tetanus antitoxin to prevent tetanus, immunization is this: artificial immune
eyebrows The growth wheel is about: Months
extra suitable for people with diabetes to eat white) generally have a high , then printed three have now many times to India and India achieved it?
3 times the number of the world's fresh water dolphin in the smallest one is: the baiji
salamander body length is generally a few meters all but? 1 m
pig tail was a nice mood when what shape? class sway
World Water Day is the appointment? March 23
the following metals, the strongest movement is: Mg
higher animal embryos means: fertilized egg develops into larvae

biological engineering not comprised are: content of the taint treatment
the fewest element of the earth's crust is: astatine
bats depend on what sense of way and feeding? sound
which fish will die after spawning? salmon
now, computer is in what stage? large-scale and ultra large scale integrated circle era
the merely birds of prey by smell: kiwi
breathing shrimp by what? Gill
genetic code in which the first was translated? 1961
can know from which part of the horse's age? teeth
which water particles are composed of two units? hydrogen, oxygen
vertebrates What began to be regarded as real animals and land animals? reptiles
that two nitrogen atoms of the symbol is: 2N
which the country's first metro built? British
deterioration of the ecological surroundings of the Yellow River pollution , the detriment of biological variety of the population. you know how many species of fish, the original Yellow River? 150 kinds of dolphin fins
what degenerated into: the forelimb
the most progressive reptiles: crocodiles
following What kind of vitamin can be converted by the solar irradiation for the calcium? VD
can be traced back to the prologue of the Silk Road: Western Han
less than grasses are: cotton
amoeba control center are: nuclear
poinsettia the : Program
solution ph value is greater than 7, the solution was everything sexual? alkaline
Who first invented movable type: Bi? N
in the following DOS command, an internal directive is: RMDIR
Which of the following evolutionary sequence is well documented? green algae - Who discovered the statute of free fall mire
? Galileo
potato tubers are: iron stem
and the percentage of carbon in piglet iron comparison: less than
eyes of animals that change three times a day? feline
not Marx described as the following 19th century natural science is the breakthrough of three: DNA double helix
So distant, we have base the biggest dinosaur is: Zhen Long
to maintain chemical properties of hydrogen are: molecular hydrogen
fish heart and the human heart The main difference is: a small two-chamber < br> known as observation of the climate why the use of the screen was painted white? reflected brightness
who the following four animals as much as the largest number of cervical
, the following animals which use sound to send the first real animal tweet? frog
Which of the following vitamin irradiated by the sun can be converted to calcium? VD
is the author of the spinning jenny: Haag Reeves
scientists first discovered x-ray is: Roentgen
common feature of soft drinks: non-alcoholic
banana sold on the market have customary seed? not
lot of yellow eyes fold (eyelid), and why? to prevent wind and sand beat into the eyes of the
Which of the following key elements are not involved in the acid rain? carbon
too many crops will chance tinted with a few monitor lizards are protected animals in China: I Class
animals in the high jump champion who?
American mountain lion is too located in the external solar system's smallest planet is: Pluto
in China, known as the The time is: 20 seconds
objects on the retina through the eye into the like: inverted real image
combustion of carbon monoxide in the air: The Blue Flame
present, the role of the postscript in the human body is considered is: the immune system as part of the North Star in the sky
: Bear constellation
monitor lizards are protected animals in China a few: I grade on the grasslands of Inner Mongolia Splendens
up: 2 m
following gas is extremely noxious are: carbon monoxide
Yellow River flows via the several provinces? 9
the basic frame of the cell membrane is: phospholipid bilayer
apples and roses are the same kin? Yes , Rosaceae
is the smallest of birds: hummingbirds
at about -218 ℃ (55K), it became snow-like solid, color: light blue
Earth and other planets in the solar system will not collision, because why not? the sun's gravitational pull at the top of the rainbow
What color is it? Red
locust's brain of live inundated in water for 10 minutes (while the repose of the body exposed to air) of locusts die?
of the following countries do not drive on the left? Japan
Will 3599 be: a body of water several
approximately what percent of body weight? 60%
one kilogram Which one kilogram of cotton, iron and a light? as massive
artificial blended cloth is not easy to fluff ball? Yes
known as whales are: maritime mammals
cent of the earth surface area: 71% < br> platypus's body temperature is: What kind of unstable
antioxidant vitamins have anti-aging achieve? ​​E
the world's first test tube child born in: 1978
fuel was hailed as a gold Mobile Earth's rotation is generally used to remove fluids
insoluble solid material is: percolate
people knee-jerk inspection experiment is what? autonomic
animals in the high jump champion who? American Hill Which Lion
of chicken, the : reproduce
dolphin eyesight OK? well, have been degraded
hardest mineral in nature is: Diamond
The following are not homologous organs: the human hand and the bat's wing hand < br> oxygen at about -183 ℃ (90K) changed to a liquid when the color is: light blue
people see the film because of the consecutive screen: the phenomenon of persistence of vision
geneticist Gregor Mendel's occupation : Pastor

cattle Which of the following things ambition eat poison? rotten potato
BSE is considered to be a virus: protein (PrP)
peacocks in full display is: peacock green in the eco-
The situation is: the largest block producer
body muscles are: gluteus
feel the loudest? ground
the br> Dolphin are: () mammalian
dark color? no color
cold-blooded dinosaurs (variable temperature) or warm-blooded animals (constant temperature) animals? not been resolute what kind of vitamin can promote calcium
Absorption: Vitamin D
in China, known as the giraffe's cervix has the longest: 6 meters
Which of the following representatives of the English word e-mail: E-mail
proponent of mass-energy equation is: What kind of Einstein
kiwi fruit is? berries < br> Why do chickens eat pebbles? aid digestion
the following does not belong to birds are: bats
toxic effects of heavy metals on the human body, the following is not: sodium (Na)
San Marino is known as Consumer
There are several known isotopes of carbon? 12
an apple is the sweetest location to which part? top
rainfall pH less than 5.6, this water: the frog was swallowed acid
What is the edible the eyes? eyes closed
mosquito larvae called? larvae
following are our specialty is: Which of the following is not a persimmon
consequences of volcanic outbreaks, the climate lukewarm
view from the northern hemisphere, protruding toward the left side of the crescent moon light is called: moon
penguins typically lay eggs once a few? two lorises
is living habits are: carbon monoxide nocturnal
scalding in the air: The Blue Flame
objects into the retina through the eyes of such as: inverted real image
Farmers often use black light cage at night, Lepidoptera, which is the use of insects: should irritating
few deer are protected animals in China: I Class
the prominent Miller experiment proved: in the prehistoric Earth environment, the synthesis of amino acids is likely
of glasses are correct: the same concave lens
carnation Dianthus said: Carnation
old of the Earth has been much? 50 ~ 60 billion years
dolphin in the water depend on revelation and object recognition? hearing (Sonar)
The following substances, are oxygen acid is: when the sulfuric acid
arrest butterflies will leave their hands on the wings of color > Which vitamin can promote the absorption of calcium: vitamin D
the following metals and acid can not react are: bronze and sulfuric acid
Which of the following metals can respond entirely with oxygen to manner oxides Gold
compiler computer appears the following period is the second generation of bio-
which are the major consumers of Antarctic biological
mallet insects are penguins, seals, krill
thicker than the brim of the lens heart is called
convex lens, a pair students four children, four babies are all boys, if the probability is 1 / 16
wintering birds flying south for the fall is a summer migrant
water mill installed the world's 1st Mosel River in Germany where the runway circuit of 400 meters
ring, and B while two actors clockwise from the point of departure, a speed of 400 m / min, B speed is 375 meters / min. How many minutes after the B meet afresh 8 minutes
the following expression on the metabolism of which is not correct after the first decomposition of the anabolic metabolism of
who in 1911 made the following the atomic theory of Rutherford's nuclear architecture of a regular hexagon
nursery, with a straight line collateral to the edge of the preschool, it is divided into many equal equilateral triangle, the apex of the triangle on the trees planted on both known outdoor the circle of most plant nurseries have 90, does the number of nursery seedlings planted trees CPC 721
arithmetic unit's chief function is to complete arithmetic and logic operations
Many scientists trust the universe originated in a Big Bang, the universe's age: about 200 million years
Which of the following ecosystem ecology most presumable to maintain the equilibrium? tropical rainforest
sharks very penniless eyesight okay
patient urine was found in urine red blood cells, white blood cells and large proteins, the patient may be suffering from glomerular inflammation
increases umbrellas for chapter of the floor namely called the stipe
Which of the following plants are angiosperms? Apple
the world's lightest metal is: lithium
coerce to collar a bottle, and gently seize the steam bottle, the bottle was the same as the static friction
PH value of less than 7, the following solution is: gastric
the hardest part of the body: teeth
devise principle is to use a magnifying glass: the lens
ancient painting, silk showroom why control light? reduce UV rays
on the delivery of green plants on Earth crucial factors are: the sun
the first human is a chemical found in the knowing and use of what? Fire
currently known to man is the hardest stone: Diamond
carrion prey prefer than in person? poor run
which of the following is not a fish? squid
often used grafting, mowing propagation of fruit trees and other methods, this reproduction is: vegetative
first discovered X-rays are: Roentgen
in the venture, even with a flashlight into the grotto, etc. It constantly takes a lighted torch, which is why? detect the oxygen content inside the cave, cozy direction to
flowering plum, also known as: roseate shirt
What is the frog breathing: lung and peel temperature in the Arctic than the Antarctic
temperature: high
world's highest continent is? Antarctica
watts is what the physical units: the following are a power
carnivorous dinosaurs are: Deinonychus
pangolins are what classes? Mammalia
extracted from the sperm whale body spice is: dragon dragonfly Hong
.. Fountain Pen Pen-go Why? affected by geothermal
What is the time to flowering fig?
flowering before the results are the main specifics of people under the animals, put them into:
coral invertebrates and vertebrates are animals? is
the heart of man Size: The size of a fist, and I near
scurvy deserving to lack of: Vitamin C
currently known to man is the hardest stone: Diamond
following is not a seed: sunflower seeds green
plants in the ecosystem's status: maker
black color? no color
cold-blooded dinosaurs (variable temperature) or warm-blooded animals (constant temperature) animals? not been determined what kind of vitamin can subserve
the absorption of calcium: vitamin D
in China, known as the up there on the giraffe's neck: 6 meters
Which of the following representatives of the English word e-mail: E-mail
proponent of mass-energy equation is: What kind of belongs to Einstein
kiwi fruit? berries
toxic effects of heavy metals on the human body, the following is not: sodium (Na)
San Marino is known as the is the largest lymphoid organ: spleen
plant-eating animals (herbivores) position in the ecosystem are: basic consumers
the largest number of Bank of China is the air: nitrogen
Euonymus japonicus and Buxus the same trees do: ginkgo is not
what kind of fruit: Nuts
seed plants, a species which most families: Asteraceae
Which of the following is not farming country: Monaco
red syrup and tincture of iodine can be used with: No, there will be the main toxic materials produced
porpoises living in what water: salt and fresh water rice and barnyard grass
coalition is the same family as you: is that all grass < br> What is the time to flowering fig:
flowering before the results in the following example, the ecological crisis caused by the food chain are: the accumulation of mercury and other toxic substances and concentration of the kind of world birds
minimum: Hummingbirds
platypus is: Mammals
by about -218 ℃ (55K), it became snow-like solid, color: light blue
What is the makeup of steel: iron, carbon
human The first is by the moon: Apollo 11
the following is not considered a disease caused by a virus is: Which of the following animals hemophilia
biggest brain? sperm
thicker the fuse: fuse Which scientist first present boosts
bacteria that cause disease? Louis Pasteur
Secretary of several carbon atoms that contain ribose sugar? 5
whales swoop for a long time because: FVC huge < br> The following animals is a omen color: b, Robert Hooke first gypsy moth
under a microscope to watch is: the cell wall of cork cells in depleted
sun after all the nuclear fuel will be under the inspire of gravity in the material breakdown into one: white dwarf
in the pulmonary prevalence in pulmonary blood flow will enter the heart: the right ventricle
7 cm long by 10 wide and 5 cm, height 3 cm rectangular blocks makes up a haphazard rectangular query what is the minimum surface space of ​​cuboid? 650 cm2
learn to shoot the bear without food to eat, the act of shooting will be slow, it is established that conditions will be launched: fade
the atom has a small kernel, called: Nuclear
as br> the world's only live in freshwater mammals: dolphin
burning of magnesium in nitrogen product acquired when the water wetting, the release of gas: to make humid red litmus paper blue
God the world's first artificial satellite, observations from space created to learn the Earth and a new epoch of the universe, which is when the nation was fired?
1957, the sometime Soviet Union, after an initial Mimosa brochures will sag, when the mussel was bothered ample to quickly indented two axes within the shell, the description of plants and animals have: animal classification system tension
the correct order from largest to smallest are: industry, doors, classes, projects , family, genus, species
methodology of interplanetary flight pioneer Which of the following scientists? Tsiolkovsky
the main function of the cerebellum is: reserve the body balanced and coordinated muscle activity in the following unions
There is systolic and diastolic function: muscle tissue
Zola, the French theorists support the use of the natural physiology and what the other door to study the social and human science? genetics
The following are gastrointestinal diseases penicillin
is: A hepatitis
fish ears? a DOS system, when the user absences some configuration, configuration commands can be written in which of the following file CONFIG. SYS
the following animals is a warning color: moth
Corolla is the common term for petals, Papilionaceae crown by a few pieces of petals? 5
in a single CPU system, the process described on the right is: most one process is fleeing
animal classification system is the correct order from largest to smallest: industry, doors, classes, orders, families, genera and species living in the Caspian and Black
the European sea sturgeon, Life: than 100 years
aggregate weight of shark liver how much? 25%
a pool in a kind of biotic and abiotic factors interact with every other to form: an ecosystem can not be used to fill the airship
gas are: nitrogen
password that human life is mainly based on: Gene sequencing
sea energy resources are very fecund, but which of the following does not belong to sea energy: water heat
Which animal has developed hooves finger ? nag
DOS operating system, the following is the relationship between the four relations which the statements are correct: DOS is a single-user single mission operating system
favor a mushroom on the ground part of the open umbrella, called: hat
Camel is: Artiodactyla
four the number of red light? 24
are homologous organs are the following: a bird's pinion and the human upper digestive tract
who is the longest time of: small intestine
; is it to? from the aerial parts of mushroom called
: fruiting body
the following statements is incorrect: the environmental pollution caused by nuclear power plant
than light kicking the concave mirror, the reflection after the assembly point on the spindle, the point is called the concave mirror: the converge is
plant vegetative propagation of plant vegetative organs of forgery produce new individuals, for instance, is a reproduction by tubers: potato
which the following phenomena and non- Biological factors: the African lungfish during the dry season rill of mire drill into lethargy.
temperature during photosynthesis, light energy is first used to: the decomposition of water
1953, the American scholar, who pretended the incipient Miller Earth conditions, the experiment has been skillful to produce: What are amino acids
aloe plants? lily
Which of the following will be a fish out of water making in the air gave birth to a child??? fish oil in the world
on the distribution of the largest areas are: the Middle East
scientists invented penicillin: Fleming
highest in the world of plants are: kelp
the following species, not forming the nucleus is: phage
DOS system startup to automatically execute the batch file is: AUTOEXEC.BAT
Edison used carbonized bamboo filament in a light bulb, his experimental results, where the bamboo is suitable for filament? Japan
plant vegetative circulation is vegetative apparatuses of plant propagating means to generate fashionable individuals, case in point, breeding with the lamp is: Lily
water on organisms, which of the following statement is not correct? water at low temperature by liquid into a solid
living fossils in the ocean is:
lance fish in the 16t16 dot matrix font, the glyph code stored in each persona and how many bytes? 32
the winter solstice, the following four cities , is the longest night: Harbin
effect the sustainable use of marine alive resources of ways: Fishing and aquaculture combined
by plant photosynthesis is chlorophyll to convert light into: the full name of the chemical energy
MPEG is: MovingPictureExpertsGroup
genetic molecule DNA double helix model by whom?
Watson and Crick spent the following structure, the development of real results are: ovary
coordinating role of the human motion are: cerebellum
first single cell on the planet lives in: the ocean
Millettia What color is the juice? chicken blood
following are not immune disorders are: albinism
ecosystem is the largest: the biosphere
chimpanzees in each group actuator can do is: masculine chimpanzees
considering climate resistance, throwing objects on the vertical heave period and fall behind apt the time point which throws a long ? the whereabouts of the beasts following long
no anus and a mouth is: planarians
how the formation of natural pearls: pearl shell from the invasion of the body the formation of sand or insects
A, B, C three the amount of the number of basic schools in 1999, the number of students known to a educate twice the number of students minus 3 B and C students are the same number of and 4. Q A, B, C is the number of school students? A 400 , B 803, C 796
1962, the American biologist Carson promulgated Poplar
used when arguing water resources When also little thyroid secretion will suffer: cretinism
inside the computer, for displacement, cache, processing of file or directions are in what form? binary code
What are the two microcomputer system components ? hardware and software systems
calculation: 19 +199 +1999 + hh +19999 h99 (a total of 1999 9) .222 hh20221 (Total 1996 2)
Which of the following is not agriculture country: Monaco
first X-rays found are: Newton's name Roentgen
English is: IssacNewton
seals are: between Lu Shenghai
between ocean and biological-related English words in the prelude is: bio < br> proponent of mass-energy equation is: Einstein
cicada eggs: a tree
which the world's longest animals: turtles
herbivores (herbivores) position in the ecosystem are: Primary
the only birds flying approximately, is: hummingbird is the chemical character for platinum
: pt
AmericaOnline (USA Online) the abbreviation: AOL
rainfall pH less than 5.6, this Rainwater: World Population Day was acidic
is the date: July 11
following animals belong to the Insecta: flies
dolphin vision please: well, have degraded the world's longest gigantic salamander
How long: 1.5 m
extraction is the best time: nearly 6 pm
minibuses voyaging on the expressway, the highest speed shall not higher than the number of kilometers? 110
after being bitten by snakes should not be: a little exercise to discourage brawn death
zip code whether you want to interrogate, which should turntable tel? 184
soup with a wafer of oil drifting chilly soup would be: Which
slower than the omens of heat stroke?
pulse feeble and diffuse movement is found in Brown: Brown
British botanist when the Wright brothers invented and manufactured the first one in human history of manned aircraft with the engine? the early 20th century
to protect the desert plants, barbed-based National Wildlife Park animals are: Ulu most antique Park
people where nutrients are absorbed: the small intestine
following statement on color of the the computer's internal memory than the outer memory: way speed
There are three ways of human use of solar energy, which does not include: dynamic transition of light non-ferrous metals is not
the following: iron
the role of pigments in chloroplasts: absorption of apparent sunlight
in the following appliance, Which can not be the micro-computer output devices? keyboard
a cube in the center of two pairs of each side to bring ... to an end a rectangular hole in the center of the upper and lower side opened up a cylindrical fashioned hole. known cube side length 10 cm, the hole on the side of a side length of 4 cm square, up and down the side of the hole is a circle with a diameter of 4 cm, find the three-dimensional surface area: 785.12 square meters of cement
is an important erection material, what is the main raw material? limestone and clay which
shellfish following a br> The following is not a fungus Staphylococcus
panda how long the gestation period of about 4-5 months
the crystallization of synthetic material which type of insulin: Protein is an momentous cement
creating materials, mainly limestone and clay as raw matter, what kinds of organisms
fossils in the strata where there is a certain order, that is formed in the base of the earlier years, a fossil organism more easy, the lower the falling stock mart and other
called there is no antidote for the following approach is not correct: the wounds of alcohol
What is green painted furniture? more environmentally friendly furniture made from recycled materials, which of the following
is trapped in the lift should no be taken behind Strategy? run from the lift ceiling
the following is not a major factor guiding to shock? depression
what medication is not fried? wok
the chemical symbol for platinum is: Pt
how many degrees Celsius water. ..

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