Wednesday, April 27, 2011

namely a universal publish of general concern

Usually human muse that global warming will send ice receded, but the results show that notwithstanding the rapid melting of Arctic sea ice in Antarctic sea ice area has increased. Meteorologists cracked in the background of global warming , the increase in Antarctic sea ice trend was mysteries.
Why can buck the trbring an end to ...crease in Antarctic sea ice? why the poles under the affect of global warming presents the opposite achieve? ​​Antarctic sea ice will proceed to grow? story to recite.
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4 questions almost growth in Antarctic sea ice Why?
natural process caused by
Ji Ping Liu Georgia Institute of Technology scientists led research team painted from this conclusion is based on the 1950-2009 climate models and observational data of sea surface temperature and precipitation. They trust that increased ocean temperatures over the Antarctic upper air to subserve an increase in precipitation precipitation will be sleet on the ground the way,beijing massage, meantime the increase in the sum of sleet to lower the upper ocean salinity,shanghai massage, water density reduce, so that the upper sea structure more settled and can slow the heave in the lukewarm ocean currents caused at deep sea ice melts.
LIU Ji-ping that satellite data show an increase in the 20th centenary, the Antarctic sea ice may be mainly due to natural processes.
abnormalities play an important role. physical basis of climate models represent the latest changes in the Antarctic sea ice.
But he likewise said that the growth of Antarctic sea ice is a truth, the use of the climate system prototype to entirely reveal the variation of sea ice is still need for further improvement and development. We discern that the conclusions of this study highlight the elements of natural processes, such as people activities need to consider the ozone aperture and other elements on the shock of sea ice and disappearing.
changes in Antarctic sea ice Why precious?
aboard the global significance of climate alteration in Antarctic sea ice
is a global publish of prevalent concern, in the Earth's climate system and its special role to activity inseparable.
researcher Bo Sun, sea ice is the interaction of ocean and atmosphere product of sea ice in the important role of the climate system mainly in four aspects: first, the role of sea ice albedo affirmative feedback on the global energy balance have a premonitory impact, for example, there is the sea ice where 80% of sun radiation energy will be reflected behind into the atmosphere, sea ice is no merely 5% of solar radiation reflected back; Second, sea ice change on the upper ocean and gaseous boundary wafer structure of a key impact; third, sea ice and ocean variability on gaseous prevalence rotation patterns have a important impact; Fourth, climate change, sea ice is a agreeable Academy of Sciences The more into the ocean, rather than into the atmosphere through the ocean reflecting the results of further rise in ocean temperatures will melt more sea ice at the same time. According to the scientists predict, from the natural changes to the warming due to greenhouse gases will presently begin the conversion staged.
LIU Ji-ping predicted a reversal of trends of Antarctic sea ice certainly in this century because of human-induced global warming will dominate the Antarctic climate, evoke rapid melting of sea ice. This is for with the increase of greenhouse gases continue to ocean warming around the Antarctic, the Antarctic precipitation will be more in the fashion of rain, rapid blend of snow and ice.
Sun Bo told reporters that the reversal of a characteristic time, given the new inability to prophesy individual yet, merely he that the Antarctic sea ice will melt so as to depress, and its speed ambition boost faster than it is immediately.
LIU Ji-ping thinking, from a biological point of outlook, the seas approximately Antarctica is the world's most pregnant waters, sea ice may be reduced on Many
Wikipedia card
polar northwardly and south ends of the globe (ie, Antarctica and the Arctic.) northwardly and south ends of the earth, is the coldest place on the planet, all the year circular snow covered the earth, the temperature is quite low, so in about not vegetation growth. look to the earth from space, you can see the polar terrain is completely assorted. Antarctica is a vast land mass, an zone of ​​about 12.61 million square kilometers,wings 9 cm. flying time, shrieked the Antarctic; while the Arctic is an ocean area About 14.09 million square kilometers, called the Arctic Sea.
penguins from the Earth.
LIU Ji-ping also said that sea ice will reduce the activities of ocean currents influence the world: the Antarctic Ocean, including the proximity of the lowest temperature on Earth , the maximum density of water, they are the ocean On the contrary?
Antarctic ozone hole to act as umbrella
Arctic sea ice, Antarctic sea ice in some places has increased. climate change in the polar opposite of the traces left behind.
Sun Bo that the Antarctic ozone hole is one of the causes can not be ignored. ozone hole was postponed due to greenhouse gas increase on the Antarctic climate. enhanced westerly of the Antarctic climate system model, in the Southern Ocean and around Antarctica over the west wind strength increased by 15%, mighty winds effectively from the global warming in the Antarctic seclude, resulting in the past 30 years, the Antarctic sea ice area of ​​abnormal situation.
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bipolar linkage of specialists is still long way to go
Sun Bo (China Polar Research Center)
polar climate research now has chance actively comprised in the reason of always countries, international research group a lot. the face of Antarctic sea ice beneath global warming, eccentric growth situation, needs beyond learn. the an hand, , the absence because sustained polar climate system monitoring, systematic reconnaissance data way, enhancing the physical mechanism of polar knowing of opener processes, thereby improving the predictive competence of climate models to better strategic decisions for the state to provide one essential basis as the evolution; additional On the 1 hand, via the active science communication, to better serve the public scientific literacy, environmental awareness will be put into movement to protect our planet.
test ship is the fourth of the Arctic North Pole expedition of the Snow Dragon depths of the Arctic Ocean to carry out a sixth short-term study of ice operations, the highest latitude of the ship to reach the maximum on disc. Currently, the return home and stop home port mm in the heart of the polar expedition Shanghai Waigaoqiao pier.
as the fourth International Polar Year Action Plan for China, part of the Arctic expedition of the Arctic sea ice chiefly for fast change and the Arctic marine ecosystem response to quick changes in sea ice either studies, the first time in history more comprehensive, systematic investigation of the Arctic ecosystem. In the lesson of the study, more than 40 multidisciplinary research staff to carry out the last of 15 to 20-day ice station long-term coupler investigation, more than all previous visits more than 5 days. After returning to home wharf, 5 months left for the Antarctic, starting of the twenty-seventh Antarctic expedition.

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