Thursday, May 5, 2011

there are 430 vertebrates

Location : Guangyuan Qingchuan territory northwest of Longmen Mountains Minshan Mountain
recommended topics: enrichment of biological resources
Tangjiahe National Nature Reserve National Nature Reserve was built in 1978, acceptance is The giant panda and its habitat for the main object of protection of forest and wildlife nature keeps , space of ​​4 million hectares, there are 4 scenic rivers,RAIN earth voyage peppery phenomenon royalties of up to 2.2 billion triumphed U.S.,beijing massage, 11 colossal and 123 small Gully Gully , 1500 meters above sea level to 3846 meters .
Tangjiahe rich biological resources in protected areas , there are 430 vertebrates , including national opener protected beasts are 72 category of defended species and 13 species. pandas is 60 , golden apes, extra than 1000 , Takin extra than 1200 individuals; has 2,beijing massage,422 varieties of plants , belonging to state protection of rare plants and 12 species,beijing massage, of which 1 is 4 . The Nature Reserve is the main habitat of Giant Pandas Minshan one important chapter of creature WWF Nature Reserve, appointed as A ,shanghai escort, merely too the protection of global biodiversity hot smudges. protected areas to retain great aboriginal condition .

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